RISC User 10:2

December 1996

Click the cover picture to the right to view a larger version in a new browser window

Arc Click this icon to open a window showing the contents of the archive


Acorn World '96 Feature

Imp Arc The Rumour Mill
Find out what Peter Bondar had to say in his exciting theatre presentations
Imp Arc An Overview of the Show
What was new? What was exciting? How upbeat was the show? Find out here
Imp Arc Education Report
This month our education pages are devoted to the new releases at Acorn World
Imp Arc How the Show was Staged
Our DTP columnist Keith Parker was intimately involved with the preparations for this year's show; here he tells us all about it


Imp Arc Toolbox Topics
We examine some of the pitfalls you need to avoid when using flex
Imp Arc DTP Workshop
Keith Parker examines how to lay out a magazine
Imp Arc It's 3D time!
Our 3D modelling series continues with an explanation of texture mapping
Imp Arc Pocket Book Public Domain
The best free software for your palmtop, and where to get it
Imp Arc Working on the Image
Nobilangelo Ceramalus boldly goes deeper into the Photodesk 2 universe
Imp Arc Compiler Corner
Thomas Down explains how to track down memory leaks and stray pointers
Imp Arc Christmas Competition
Win some excellent IMS CD-ROMs in our Christmas Competition
Imp Arc PC Matters
We take a look at ARMed Forces' Win, Risc!, which allows Windows software to run on the RISC OS desktop
Imp Arc Wimp Topics
Overlays: discover how to get a simple form of virtual memory by using a standard feature of BBC Basic


Imp Arc Casio QV-10A digital camera
Get snap-happy with this new gadget from Xemplar
Imp Arc ANT Internet Suite release 2
Robin Watts put the long-awaited new version of ANT's integrated package through its paces
Imp Arc DaVinci90
Aspex Software's answer to TopModel has been in the works for a very long time; Alan Highet puts it to the test
Imp Arc Speed!
Clares' cheap new utility claims to make your machine go much faster; can it really work?
Imp Arc GraphMateIf you need to present data neatly, this graphing program from Dalriada might be just what you need
Imp Arc Speak
Roger King reviews a new speech system which claims to provide natural-sounding speech with a British accent
Imp Arc Dinosaurs and Kiyeko
We review Innovative Media Solutions' latest pair of CD-ROM conversions from the PC market
Imp Arc Oscar CD-ROM drive
Tony Howat puts Cumana's new quad-speed parallel port CD-ROM drive through its paces


Imp Arc Editorial
  Txt Contents
Imp Arc News
Imp Arc Hints & Tips (StrongARM special)
Imp Arc Technical Queries
Imp Arc Write-Back
Imp Arc Puzzle
Plus solution for puzzle 10:1
  N/A Magazine Disc Dsc

Additional files

Imp Flat Plan
Overall layout of pages for this issue of the magazine
Imp Progress sheet
A list of articles, their authors and the number of pages they occupy
Imp Production sheet
RISC User production sheet template for this issue
Imp Cover captions
Captions suggested for use on the front cover of this issue